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11 Best WordPress Plugins you might install on your Blog Website

11 Best WordPress Plugins

It is super easy to buy a domain & to host it and later on install WordPress. Once you install WordPress on your domain, configure the essential WordPress setting to make it SEO friendly. After that, you need to add the extra bit of functionality to your blog. And for that, you need these 11 Best WordPress Plugins you might install on your blog.

There is a reason for just these 11 Best WordPress plugins for your blog. There is a huge list of active plugins to make the life of a blogger easy. Choosing the right plugins is crucial for the success of your blog. This choice makes your blog look great and impressive.

Use of the plugins in the blog may change with the needs, features, and type of niche you are into. That’s why I am providing you with a list of 11 Best WordPress Plugins. Every blog might use these plugins. And all these plugins are either free or freemium (means Free with basic features + Premium with advanced features).

So now let’s move on the list of 11 Best WordPress Plugins for 2025.

1. Wordfence: Best Security WordPress Plugin

After installing WordPress on your domain, focus first on security. Hackers can put your site to sudden death by accessing your blog’s login details. As per Forbes, 30,000 websites get hacked each day, so it is paramount to stay safe from hacking attacks. Just after creating a WordPress blog, make the necessary settings. Then, installing the best security WordPress plugin is a must.


WordFence is the best freemium plugin to make your WordPress secure and safe from cyber hacking. This plugin sends you email alerts when someone makes changes to your files and folders. It also alerts you when any fake or suspicious login attempt to your blog or website is made.

You can also block the suspicious IP’s that try to login to your site.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

2. UpdraftPlus: Best BackUp WordPress Plugin

Till now WordPress settings are configured by you, and it is made secured by the Wordfence security plugin. But what about taking the backup of your whole WordPress. It is crucial to take the backup of your entire WordPress blog before making any changes to it.

UpdraftPlus #2/11 Best WordPress Plugin

UpdraftPlus is one such freemium wordpress plugins that will help you to make the backup of your blog within few minutes. The backup taken can be very useful. If you ignore it, then you should be ready to lose all your data. Without a backup plugin installed on your blog could be lost forever and you will be repenting later on.

UpdraftPlus is easy to use. It has a simple interface. It also gives you the scheduling feature that helps to take or restore the backup at your best schedule time. The moment you start the backup process, the whole backup will be done shortly. An instant email will be sent to your email ID associated with the plugin.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version) | Get Free Plugin | Learn More

3. W3 Total Cache: Best Performance WordPress Plugin

As per KissMetrics study, 47% of the viewers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. A delay of 1 second (3 seconds of the wait) can reduce viewer retention by 16%.

W3 Total Cache

You can use the above numbers to understand the importance of making your website or blog perform faster. And to help you make your WordPress, there are many performance plugins out there. But the best among the best is W3 Total Cache plugin that will help your blog to perform at a faster rate by removing the elements that slow down your site.

W3 Total Cache improves the performance of your server by caching every aspect of the blog and thereby reducing the download times.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

4. Yoast SEO: Best SEO WordPress Plugin

As per the data analysis from HostingFacts, around 2.9 billion people visit the websites daily through search engines. Besides this daily 2.7 million blog posts are published. To ensure your blog is visible in the search engines, choose the best SEO WordPress Plugins for your blog.

Yoast SEO plugin

And for this, there is no one better than the Yoast SEO plugin. This plugin has the official stats of around 40,873,532 downloads till date, and it is growing day by day. Apart from this, it has the 4.8 – star rating given by more than 10,410 viewers.

Yoast SEO WordPress plugin is not only the best SEO plugin. It also guides you as an author of a blog or website. It helps you write SEO-friendly and quality content. It tells you how well you write the content. It also explains the possibilities of the post getting ranked in the search engines. This plugin is developed by the SEO experts and not by someone who knows how to develop the plugins.

Install this plugin on all your WordPress blogs or websites. It will protect your blog from all SEO-related inconvenience.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

5. Akismet: Best Spam Protection WordPress Plugin

When you start to write on your blog, you like to see two things. The first is traffic. The second is comments from your viewers. Comments on a post or your blog cheer you up. They indicate that you are getting a response from your viewers.

akismet anti spam plugin

But what if you are getting all the spammy or labored comments on your blog. It will not only ruin your blog but also your hard work for writing such a marvelous piece of content. So just to keep your blog away from the spammy or fake comments just activate the Akismet plugin.

Here I said to activate the Akismet plugin developed by the team of WordPress. It comes pre-installed with the new WordPress installation. So this is the best Spam Protection WordPress plugin out there. It blocks all the spammy comments which are not suitable for your blog in any way.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

6. Contact Form 7: Best Contact Form WordPress Plugin

If you have a real good audience on your blog, then there might be very high chances that someone will try to contact you soon for some help, questions, suggestions, or deal of some kind. Then how will they try to communicate with you or how will they get in touch with you? There comes the need of the best contact form WordPress plugin that is simple to use and give you the desired results.

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is one such plugin that has more than 3 billion active installs and has a rating of 4.6 – star provided by more than 1200 people. This plugin is easy to use and has a simple user interface. All you need to do is just to install it and check the places where on a WordPress you want to show it.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

7. WP smush Pro: Best Image Compression WordPress Plugin

When you are seriously into blogging, there are huge numbers images that will be published on your blog. The more the number of the pictures the more will have the load on the server. And the more will be the burden on the server the slower will be the blog. So it is very necessary to compress the size of every image that you add to your blog.

wp smush pro

Doing this one by one every time by yourself is not a splendid idea. It will be a time-consuming task. So here comes the best Image Compression WordPress plugin for your blog which is named as WP Smush Pro. This plugin will compress the picture size in the background whenever you add a new photo to the blog’s media. 

And hence the site will be on a faster side with WP Smush takes care of the image compression each time you add a new one to your blog post.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

8. SumoMe: Best Social Sharing WordPress Plugin

Till now you have a blog and installed some major plugins. Also, you write down a quality content but what after that? Don’t you want it to be seen by the people right away after you published it? There comes the help from the best Social Sharing WordPres Plugin which is known as SumoMe.

Sumome WordPress Plugin

This plugin is a one stop for many features. SumoMe helps your blog or blog post get shared by many people over Social Sites. It also provides features such as News Letter, List Builder, Content Analytics, Heat Maps, and more.

It is the most talked social sharing plugin for WordPress these days. This plugin has more than 50,000 active installations and has the 4.2 – star rating given by the people used or installed it on their blogs.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

9. Broken Link Checker: Best User Experience WordPress Plugin

Think you have got everything right. You have the SEO plugin and the social sharing plugin. The site is fast. You have a huge number of visitors, with traffic flowing to your blog daily. But have you ever thought about how your viewers will react? How will they respond when they land on a broken link?

Broken Link Checker

How many customers or audience will you lose because of a silly broken link? It leads to a page that doesn’t exist on your blog. Then came the Broken Link Checker WordPress plugin to rescue you from this problem. As per Google, you need to check your site or blog on a regular basis for the broken links and then remove or repair them.

You have to install this splendid plugin. It will check every single post of your blog and every single link on your blog. Then, it detects the broken links and notifies you if there are any.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin

10. Redirection: Best Redirection WordPress Plugin

The above – mentioned plugin will tell you about the broken links so that you can repair them. But what if the whole article will be deleted from your blog? Or what if you tried to write the new permalink for your old post? Then the user will land on a page that is not there. In that case, you need to redirect the old permalink of the page/post to the new one.


And there comes the need of the best Redirection WordPress plugin which is known as Redirection. This plugin is capable of self – detecting the 301 errors and move them to the new one. Besides this, it also keeps the record of the 404 error logs. You can redirect any permalink t the new one manually too.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

11. User Submitted Post: Best Guest Post WordPress Plugin

Now, when your blog is gaining a huge number of visitors, some people will want to write a guest post. These people often include fellow bloggers.

usp user submitted posts

Do not allow everyone to use your WordPress dashboard as an editor or admin. Instead, choose the best guest post WordPress plugin named User Submitted Post. This plugin lets you generate a form similar to the contact form plugin. Then, all you need to do is place the code in the Guest Post Page of your blog. That’s it.

User Submitted Post plugin will help you add the fields you want. The author of the post must fill these fields before submitting the guest post to your blog.

Price – Free (advance features with the premium version)Get Free Plugin | Learn More

Wrap up

Many plugins will provide you additional features to make your blog look great. However, the above-mentioned plugins are the best for a newbie blogger. The need for the plugin changes according to the niche of the blog. It also depends on the extra feature that you need.

WordFence – It is the best security plugin that will secure your blog from the hackers.

UpdraftPlus – This plugin will backup your database and sends you the email when the backup will be taken.

W3 Total Cache – It is the best plugin to give your blog a high-speed performance. It removes unnecessary elements.

Yoast SEO – This plugin will take care of the SEO of your blog. It will guide you to write quality content.

Akismet – It is a pre-installed plugin from the WordPress team. It will keep the spammy comments away from your blog.

Contact Form 7 – This is the best contact plugin that you will find. It helps the viewers to communicate with you.

WP Smush – It is the best image compression plugin. It compresses the picture every time you add it to WordPress.

SumoMe – For the social sharing feature on your blog this plugin is the best.

Broken Link Checker – It will check, detect and tells you about the broken links in your whole blog.

Redirection – This plugin will help you to redirect all the 301 errors and 404 error pages of your blog to the desired pages/posts.

User Submitted Post – It is a plugin that will help you to accept guest post on your blog quite easily.

WordPress offers a countless number of plugins. However, the list of 11 Best WordPress Plugins you might install on your blog Website is here. These plugins can give your blog a new and entirely different feel.

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