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Best 10 Interview Questions For SEO Experts

Best 10 Interview Questions for SEO experts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way of marketing to promote the web pages in top search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask and increase visibility of a site or page. For top position accessibility, the SEO experts must follow legal, recommended and real methods. When a company is going to recruit an SEO expert.

So Get into to main topic i.e., Best 10 interview Questions for SEO experts :



Q1-Do You Own a Google Authorship?

A-For an SEO expert who is going for an interview, the Google Authorship might be a plus point, but if someone does not have it, then it is not a matter of concern. It is generally a way to interact more audience with your SEO potential and skills by providing the address and face to written and published contents.

Q2-What Do You Mean Google’s Algorithm Updates?

A-Google’s Algorithm is a technical way to give ranking the websites that deserve for top position by their rich contents, real working and uniqueness. This ranking system depends upon originality, uniqueness and usefulness of a site or its material for the users. Recently famous Google’s Algorithm updates are Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird.

Q3-What is Your Thinking about Google’s Penalty?

A-When someone violates Google’s Terms and Conditions, Google takes manual action against webmasters or web owners. It uses web tools to penalize those who breach its policies or contract.

Q4-Which Technical Part is Compulsory for SEO?

A-There is HTML as the part of SEO that is simple to be understood. However, additionally the SEO experts and professionals must be well familiar with server side lingo like robots.txt, 301 and 404.

Q5-What is Value of Web Contents for Effective SEO?

A-Web content is known as the King of SEO and without contents you will never be able to start SEO of your site. Basically, SEO friendly contents with unique and less competitive keywords will help SEO professionals to link and make visibility of a site better for achieving good ranking.

Q6-How Do You Link and Optimize SEO with Social Media Networks?

A-Today, Social Media Networks are the best sources to drive organic and regular traffic to a website. If you are willing to do SEO with social media, then for this you must go for the shares and like son these networks by sharing all posts on affiliated social accounts to get more social signals. There must be a close integration between SEO tools and social media networks.

Q7-How Do You Build the Links?

A-Relevant and theme based linking might be progressive and beneficial. If you are going to link a Website of watches, then you must choose high PR sites relevant to your keyword that will yield expected outcomes with more traffic. Secondly, you must view theme of a site where you are linking and post the link according to keyword or type of website.

Q8-Which SEO Tools Do You Use?

A-Basically, without having good command over SEO tools you cannot step forward and achieve anything. So, for better and quicker results, I mostly prefer Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools and BrightEdge.

Q9-How Do you use Best SEO Practices and Black Hat SEO?

A-Black Hat SEO is a short way of solutions that may get your website or blog penalized. However, in early days it was White Hat SEO that is now Black Hat. Anyway, right, recommended and real SEO techniques are the only way to get succeeded and achieve whatsoever our targets are.

Q10-Have You Been a Part of Online SEO Community or Any Other Company?

A-Sure, there are many online SEO communities which I got affiliated for working and learning. I mostly have been the part of WebMasterWorld, SearchEngineLand and SERoundtable.

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